Social Games: Mafia
1. Describe the social interactions which you observed during play. In what way did these interactions emerge from within the formal elements of the game?
In the mafia game that we played, it is apparent that there are players that initiated interaction and the rest who almost do not interact unless interacted with. The players that initiated the interaction had more power when it comes to outcome of the game as they are able to accumulate a following of players who believe their words.
Players who have never played the game speak to incriminate other players or even save themselves. This is probably because the players do not understand the implications of their actions.
2. Using Sutton-Smith's categorization of social play roles, discuss how the players' roles changed during the course of the game.
I would believe that the roles of the players change according to the nature of the interaction of all players. Depending on the current mood or environment, players have to change their interaction styles accordingly to convince other players of their cause.
Player roles with regards to allegiance do not change as that is how the game is.
3. Suggest a modification to the game which will alter the social dynamics that emerge during play.
In the game, we introduced the modification of an inclusion of a non-mafia who knows the identity of the mafia members. The non-mafia members identity is secret and in his/her best interest to expose the mafia.
This leads to more interaction on the non-mafia side as normally there are little clues to who the mafia is and therefore causing the non-mafias to take on a pacifist attitude.
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