Big - 2!
In the spirit of the Chinese New Year (CNY) I shall talk about BIG-2 (a gambling card game that is frequently played in CNY).
Objectives: Win by discarding cards in hand down to 0 while observing the rules.
Procedure: Turn based game played by 4 players. Players may play cards once or they may pass their turn.
Rules: 4 players are dealt 13 randomized cards each. 2 is the largest card. Suit power is as follows: Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds. The one with 3 Diamonds starts 1st. The player who initiates may play either 1 card, or a pair of cards of similar number, or a set of 5 cards poker styled. The following players may choose to play a similar of amount cards of larger value or pass their turn. If all players passed their turn the player who last played must then play any amount of cards (be it 1 or 2 or 5) of any value. 1st player to play all cards in hand win.
Resources: Cards in hand are your only tangible resource and also your greatest liability. Initiative and control in terms of being the one to start playing either 1 or 2 or 5 is also a much sought after position therefore people try to win ‘sets’ to gain control.
Conflicts: Conflict between players arises from conflict in rule resolution come from variants in rules. Other than that the rules are strict enough to cover all possibilities.
Boundaries: ??? Around the poker table?
Outcome: 1st player to play all cards collect from all other players a sum equivalent to how many cards they have left in hand.
Additional rules do not need to be written down as what is described is above would suffice for play. Variants in rules do not change game play much as long as all are familiar with the variant.
Concepts from Doug Church
Intention: Watching how other players play (or don’t play) their cards, it is possible to formulate a plan on how to play finish your cards in the most efficient and ‘un-interruptible’ manner.
Perceivable consequence: Watching player reactions and attempt to guess what plan they are using.
Think I played this over CNY. I seem to remember there being some modification of the rules where the number of cards the first player in the turn sets down changes the play for that round. But I could be wrong. It didn't help that the rules were being explained to me, in English, Mandarin and Teowchew, as we played...
I think this is the only popular poker card game in Singapore that 2s are the largest. So if 2 was the largest in the game, it is probably the game.
Now.. why are they trying to explain rules to you in Mandarin and Teochew.. Was there money involved? *evil laughter*
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